Category Archives: Band

TLOT at Higher Ground Music Festival

Higher Ground Music Festival is annually held in Winstead, Minnesota.  This year the boys had a blast on the main stage!

TLOT at Ignite Festival

The Least of These played at Ignite Festival Chicago this year.  They had the opening slot for the whole weekend and they rocked the house!  People weren’t let in until just before they played, but when they came they were running.  TLOT has such devoted and loving fans :).

TLOT at the Wisconsin Dells!

2011 Feb. 24

The past two years The Least of These has been hired to play at this youth retreat in the Wisc. Dells.  It’s a weekend packed with music, between acting as the worship band and nightly concerts.  The lighting at the place is pretty dreadful, but I did what I could :).

The Least of These in the studio

I’m really excited about these photos.  I took some pictures of my husband’s band a week ago and this is a taste of what we came up with.